You can have brilliant ideas, but if you can’t get them across, your ideas won’t get you anywhere.
Engineer on the original Ford Mustang design team and CEO during Chrysler’s comeback in the 1980’s.

From the Seven C’s of Data Analysis Framework


Maria is a Senior Sales Analyst for an online pet supply store described in our book, The Accidental Analyst: Show Your Data Who’s Boss. She was approached by marketing managers for insights on which states have the best opportunities for sales growth from additional marketing investment. Downnload Maria’s presentation for the marketing managers.


Here’s a checklist to help you communicate the results of your next analysis project.

Are you a straight “A” communicator?

Does your presentation have:
+ Audience-appropriate results?
+ Answers to the right questions?
+ Applicable metrics?
+ Attractive yet clean visuals?
+ Actionable insights, recommendation and decisions?
+ Attention-grabbing storylines?

Downnload Maria’s presentation for the marketing managers

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